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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Lock Your Desktop Wallpaper for Windows XP

We can lock the Desktop Wallpaper for Windows XP so that other user may not change the wallpaper by right click at the empty space in the desktop.


1 . The first step is click start on the desktop or press windows key on the keyboard.

2 . click run > type gpedit.msc and press enter

3 . A group policy dialog box appear

4 . Select User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Desktop > Active Desktop

5 . Double click the Active Desktop Wallpaper

6 . An Active Desktop Wallpaper Properties dialog box appear. Select ENABLE.

7 . Enter the full path of the picture or image that you want to set as wallpaper

8 . Finally click ok or simply press enter.

A more clearer picture , Once a group policy dialog box appear



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