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Thursday, October 16, 2008

How I Increase Traffic For My Blog

I am very new to blogging. The main point I do blogging is to earn some money. In the earlier post , I have mention how to earn money from the internet. Actually there are many ways to earn money from the internet. Because I am new about this stuf, so i only manage to get several site to earn money. In blogging the best way to earn money is using Google Adsense. However Google Adsense need a lot of impression and clicks on the ads. This blog is so new, so I use many ways to increase the traffic on this blog.

The effective way I found out is easyhit4u. This site provide 1 : 1 traffic exchange. Which means you view 50 ads or website on easyhit4u then your website or blog will get 50 viewer. Joining easyhit4u is completely free. All you need is just sign up as member , view the site given and add your site to easyhit4u. If you want to earn money through this site, I advise you not to do so. This site can earn money but it take really a long time to earn. But if you want to increase the traffic or promote your website then it is recommended.

How it work ?

As you signup as member , you visit the link given then wait about 20 seconds and you get 1 credit. After you manage to get about 10 or more credit, you many assign those credit to your site and you will get the equal visitor to your site. Eg I assign 50 credit to my blog, then I will get 50 visitor to my blog. There are no limit to earn the credit. In a few hours I manage to earn about 150++ credits.

1:1 Traffic Exchange

Another site that I use to promote and increase the traffic of my blog is streetbux. Streetbux is absoulute free website that help you to generate traffic to your blog and site. Streetbux is a non paying site, it only help you to promote you site. Every click you manage to earn $0.02, once you reach $0.50 you are able to buy 100 clicks for ads and distribute to your site. Sounds like difficult ? Actually earning $0.50 is very simple as the site have hundreds of ads that you can view. Every time you view the site and wait for about 30 seconds then your account will be credited $0.02. Once you manage to get $0.50 just convert the credit to buy ads. If you want to get more click on your site you can buy the credit by real cash or earn it from the site. If you are not lazy, you can earn about $2.00 a day then you can have more click for your site.

Join streetbux

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